Our five categories of membership cater for the diverse range of organisations that make up the investment management industry.


Our 200+ full members include stand-alone investment management firms, insurance company investment management arms, retail banking and investment banking groups, independent niche providers, and occupational pension scheme managers.


Our 80 or so affiliate members provide services to full IA members. Affiliate members include fund supermarkets, third-party fund administrators, data providers, consultants, and accountancy and law firms.


FinTech membership is open to technology firms who provide solutions to the investment management and capital markets industry.


Sector membership is limited, and designed for firms that don't wish to take part in the wider activities we offer, but would like to have their funds included in the Investment Association Sectors list.
Investment20/20 is the investment management's talent service with a specific focus on widening access to diverse talent at entry level. Through our extensive early careers programme, we reach, inspire and attract school and college leavers as well as graduates, outside of our industry's usual recruitment grounds.

020 7831 0898

To find out more about the work of The Investment Association, you can give us a call or email us for more information at [email protected]