Figures: All figures are in £ millions. Figures have therefore been rounded to the nearest £ million. Where a chart shows a value of £0 - this indicates a figure below £500,000.
Revisions: Each month small revisions to the figures may have been made since the previous release. This reflects additional information received.
Funds under management: From January 2007 Investment Association funds under management figures include additional institutional funds which were not previously included in the statistics.
Asset types: (Equity, Fixed Income etc) are defined in terms of the Investment Association sectors included. To see which sectors are allocated to each asset type, see the table 'Statistics by sector - Sector summary - asset type by sector'.
Figures include double counting of investments through funds of funds (FOFs). Assets are counted first as investment in a FOF and then as FOF investment in other funds. This gives the best asset breakdown of investors' choices since the Investment Association cannot identify FOFs holdings of funds by asset.
Prior to January 2012, data is presented on a UK Domiciled basis. For more information see here: