These group level figures include funds of funds that mainly invest in external funds (those run by other groups) or overseas funds. However, figures exclude funds investing in internal funds (i.e. those run by the same group) to avoid double counting of fund assets at group level.

This explains why the sum of the group level figures for funds under management is different to the totals shown in other reports (except in the case of ISA reports).

These figures include UK domiciled funds only.

**Data is uploaded approximately three months in arrears**

Most recent data available: September 2024

Showing options for the year: 2024

Companies by total retail and institutional funds under management

includes Unit Trusts, OEICs, PEPs (to March 2008 only) and ISAs

Companies by retail funds under management

includes funds for which, over the preceding 3 years, at least 1/3 of gross sales were retail sales AND the minimum lump sum is less than or equal to £10,000

Companies by retail and private client funds under management

includes funds for which, over the preceding 3 years, at least 1/3 of gross sales were retail sales AND the minimum lump sum is less than or equal to £50,000

Companies by oeic funds under management

Please note that no information is available prior to January 2001

Companies by isa funds under management