This page shows retail sales of UK funds and recognised overseas funds.

Most recent data available: November 2024

Please note, all sales are shown net.


  • Figures: All figures are in £ millions. Figures have therefore been rounded to the nearest £ million. Where a chart shows a value of £0 - this indicates a figure below £500,000.
  • Revisions: Each month small revisions to the figures may have been made since the previous release. This reflects additional information received.
  • ISA figures from January 2008: Figures are based on ISAs provided by fund companies and five platforms (Cofunds, Fidelity, Hargreaves Landsdown, Skandia and Transact). Figures for earlier years cover fewer platforms. The figures do not include ISAs provided by other platforms or where the ISA provider is an intermediary other than a platform. All figures include former PEPs.
  • All sales and repurchases to funds of funds are included. To avoid double counting, transactions between funds of funds and their underlying funds are excluded from January 2010.
  • ISA figures exclude a small number of funds held on fund platforms but not in an Investment Association sector. These figures are, however, included in the Investment Association monthly press release tables, unless otherwise footnoted
  • Prior to January 2012, data is presented on a UK Domiciled basis. For more information see here: