Here you can find funds under management, retail sales, and performance figures by IA sector. 

Morningstar provides our performance data, which we republish only for ease of reference. The IA sectors divide the funds universe to reflect the asset type, industry sector, or geographic regions funds are invested in.

Most recent data available: November 2024

IA Sector Total funds - £m Total net retail sales - £m ISA funds - £m ISA net sales - £m
Asia Pacific Excluding Japan 35,581 -292 2,811 -14
Asia Pacific Including Japan 834 -11 169 -2
China/Greater China 1,965 -26 371 -7
Europe Excluding UK 56,579 -181 8,254 -63
Europe Including UK 2,259 -23 47 0
European Smaller Companies 1,743 -18 406 -2
Financials and Financial Innovation 2,770 17 302 -1
Global 221,728 423 26,386 -31
Global Emerging Markets 38,547 -51 2,160 4
Global Equity Income 24,887 59 3,906 -6
Healthcare 3,908 -42 533 -3
India/Indian Subcontinent 6,135 -12 1,012 -1
Japan 25,589 -145 1,511 -8
Latin America 223 -44 37 0
North America 109,654 428 9,612 44
North American Smaller Companies 6,146 162 521 16
Specialist 15,856 -57 1,473 -14
Technology and Technology Innovation 10,797 52 2,123 1
UK All Companies 138,257 -280 25,805 -118
UK Equity Income 33,980 -147 7,842 -38
UK Smaller Companies 9,425 -125 1,887 -32
Total Equity 746,865 -316 97,166 -275
£ Corporate Bond 57,991 -128 5,672 -20
£ High Yield 11,590 46 1,005 0
£ Strategic Bond 45,803 128 4,777 -33
Corporate Bond 30,396 304 187 6
Global Emerging Markets Bond - Blended 1,517 -21 27 0
Global Emerging Markets Bond - Hard Currency 2,496 29 22 1
Global Emerging Markets Bond - Local Currency 2,586 -22 41 0
Global Inflation Linked Bond 5,852 152 228 6
Government Bond 11,765 -95 249 8
High Yield Bond 4,771 200 0 0
Mixed Bond 30,823 14 382 -4
Specialist 2,891 14 1,436 -14
Specialist Bond 7,600 -31 104 4
UK Gilts 21,799 101 1,028 18
UK Index Linked Gilts 4,581 5 180 -2
Total Fixed Income 242,462 697 15,339 -32
Short Term Money Market 32,802 648 972 5
Standard Money Market 2,151 -26 219 -5
Total Money Markets 34,953 622 1,191 1
Flexible Investment 29,915 -299 3,780 -29
Mixed Investment 0-35% Shares 7,812 -96 1,489 -25
Mixed Investment 20-60% Shares 46,976 -329 8,916 -73
Mixed Investment 40-85% Shares 93,693 170 13,041 -34
Specialist 3,303 42 1,457 -14
Total Mixed Asset 181,698 -511 28,683 -175
Property Other 11,609 34 457 -4
UK Direct Property 3,711 1 277 -5
Total Property 15,320 36 734 -9
Commodities and Natural Resources 2,269 -21 219 -1
Infrastructure 8,155 38 739 1
Specialist 1,697 -9 1,437 -14
Targeted Absolute Return 25,605 46 1,168 -3
Volatility Managed 69,304 339 7,883 23
Total Others 107,029 392 11,447 6
UK Total 1,328,328 920 154,560 -484


  • Figures: All figures are in £ millions. Figures have therefore been rounded to the nearest £ million. Where a chart shows a value of £0 - this indicates a figure below £500,000.
  • ISA figures from January 2008: Figures are based on ISAs provided by fund companies and five platforms (Cofunds, Fidelity, Hargreaves Landsdown, Skandia and Transact). Figures for earlier years cover fewer platforms. The figures do not include ISAs provided by other platforms or where the ISA provider is an intermediary other than a platform. All figures include former PEPs.
  • Change from June 2009: from June 2009 figures include an additional group for which figures for prior periods are not yet available.
  • All sales and repurchases to funds of funds are included. To avoid double counting, transactions between funds of funds and their underlying funds are excluded. The sector rankings do not include 'Unclassified sector'. These are funds which have chosen not to be classified.
  • ISA figures exclude a small number of funds held on fund platforms but not in an Investment Association sector. These figures are, however, included in the Investment Association monthly press release tables, unless otherwise footnoted