Here you can find funds under management, retail sales, and performance figures by IA sector. 

Morningstar provides our performance data, which we republish only for ease of reference. The IA sectors divide the funds universe to reflect the asset type, industry sector, or geographic regions funds are invested in.

Most recent data available: August 2024

IA Sector Total funds - £m Total net retail sales - £m ISA funds - £m ISA net sales - £m
Asia Pacific Excluding Japan 35,533 -98 2,767 -8
Asia Pacific Including Japan 869 -8 168 1
China/Greater China 1,742 -21 342 -3
Europe Excluding UK 65,981 -149 9,024 -22
Europe Including UK 2,642 -21 60 0
European Smaller Companies 1,944 2 444 -1
Financials and Financial Innovation 2,624 -15 271 -1
Global 207,345 355 25,106 -65
Global Emerging Markets 37,605 34 2,140 1
Global Equity Income 24,323 6 3,807 -7
Healthcare 4,247 -4 573 0
India/Indian Subcontinent 6,166 28 1,031 1
Japan 26,804 -12 1,548 -3
Latin America 285 1 41 0
North America 105,942 465 8,497 6
North American Smaller Companies 5,240 62 448 0
Specialist 17,566 -23 1,624 -10
Technology and Technology Innovation 10,149 -45 1,928 -11
UK All Companies 142,723 -629 25,872 -107
UK Equity Income 37,489 -190 8,996 -23
UK Smaller Companies 10,462 -11 2,104 -11
Total Equity 747,680 -272 96,790 -263
£ Corporate Bond 59,091 -106 5,764 -9
£ High Yield 11,300 1 1,006 0
£ Strategic Bond 39,257 731 4,895 -18
Corporate Bond 27,436 187 169 1
Global Emerging Markets Bond - Blended 1,878 -7 28 0
Global Emerging Markets Bond - Hard Currency 2,432 -5 20 -1
Global Emerging Markets Bond - Local Currency 2,636 -7 38 0
Global Inflation Linked Bond 5,830 -18 224 1
Government Bond 12,640 837 244 0
High Yield Bond 4,408 18 0 0
Mixed Bond 29,438 92 361 -3
Specialist 2,836 9 1,586 -10
Specialist Bond 7,784 234 97 -1
UK Gilts 21,618 59 976 3
UK Index Linked Gilts 4,724 -57 189 -1
Total Fixed Income 233,308 1,968 15,595 -38
Short Term Money Market 33,829 -290 929 13
Standard Money Market 2,136 10 218 -2
Total Money Markets 35,965 -279 1,147 11
Flexible Investment 30,508 -129 3,770 -22
Mixed Investment 0-35% Shares 8,135 -46 1,568 -5
Mixed Investment 20-60% Shares 47,503 -281 9,055 -33
Mixed Investment 40-85% Shares 92,181 -85 12,814 -18
Specialist 3,234 77 1,607 -10
Total Mixed Asset 181,561 -464 28,814 -88
Property Other 11,694 -170 457 -5
UK Direct Property 3,859 7 301 -3
Total Property 15,553 -162 758 -8
Commodities and Natural Resources 2,331 -18 219 -1
Infrastructure 7,861 -52 759 -3
Specialist 1,615 4 1,587 -10
Targeted Absolute Return 25,341 -219 1,142 -3
Volatility Managed 66,672 274 7,653 23
Total Others 103,820 -10 11,361 6
UK Total 1,317,886 780 154,465 -380


  • Figures: All figures are in £ millions. Figures have therefore been rounded to the nearest £ million. Where a chart shows a value of £0 - this indicates a figure below £500,000.
  • ISA figures from January 2008: Figures are based on ISAs provided by fund companies and five platforms (Cofunds, Fidelity, Hargreaves Landsdown, Skandia and Transact). Figures for earlier years cover fewer platforms. The figures do not include ISAs provided by other platforms or where the ISA provider is an intermediary other than a platform. All figures include former PEPs.
  • Change from June 2009: from June 2009 figures include an additional group for which figures for prior periods are not yet available.
  • All sales and repurchases to funds of funds are included. To avoid double counting, transactions between funds of funds and their underlying funds are excluded. The sector rankings do not include 'Unclassified sector'. These are funds which have chosen not to be classified.
  • ISA figures exclude a small number of funds held on fund platforms but not in an Investment Association sector. These figures are, however, included in the Investment Association monthly press release tables, unless otherwise footnoted