The contribution of asset management to the UK economy
Oxera report (2016)
Executive Remuneration Working Group
Final report (July 2016)
Executive Remuneration Working Group
Interim report (April 2016)
Board Effectiveness - continuing the journey
The Investment Association paper (April 2015)
Readiness of IMA members for T+2 settlement in Europe
T+2 survey responses (May 2014)
Fund Management Charges, Investment Costs and Performance
IMA Statistics Series Paper: 3 (May 2012)
Understanding Equity Turnover Data: Initial Findings from IMA Research submitted to the Kay Review
IMA paper (November 2011)
Best Practice Guidance for Issuers when Raising Equity Capital
Joint IIC, ABI, IMA and NAPF paper (May 2011)
Investment Returns from Tracker Funds and Guaranteed Equity Bonds
IMA Statistics Series Paper: 2 (April 2011)
Rights Issue Fees Inquiry Report
Joint IIC, ABI, IMA and NAPF paper (December 2010)
Developing a risk rating methodology
Joint ABI and IMA research paper (March 2010)
CESR's recommendations for the calculation of a synthetic risk reward indicator
Joint ABI and IMA research brief (March 2010)
Fund management costs and performance
IMA paper (October 2009)
The Credit Crunch: A Stress Test for UK Authorised Funds
IMA Paper (May 2009)
The impact of the Credit Crunch on the Sterling Corporate Bond Market
Research paper (May 2009)
The impact of the Credit Crunch on the Sterling Corporate Bond Market
IMA position paper (May 2009)
Trends in UK Retail Sales of Equity Funds
IMA Statistics Series Paper: 1 (May 2009)
The value to the UK Economy of UK - Domiciled Authorised Investment Funds
Joint IMA/KPMG report (January 2008)
Enabling choice for retirement
IMA Discussion paper (March 2008)
Modelling Income Drawdown Strategies
IMA Research Paper (March 2008)
Stamp duty: its impact and the benefits of its abolition
IMA, ABI, LSE and Corporation of London report (May 2007)
Taxation and the competitiveness of UK funds
IMA/KPMG report (October 2006)
European Government Bond Markets: transparency, liquidity, efficiency
Joint Paper (May 2006)
European Corporate Bond Markets: transparency, liquidity, efficiency
Joint paper (May 2006)
Individual Retirement Accounts: International Experience
IMA Research Paper (November 2005)
Pooling - how can fund managers respond efficiently to different investor needs?
IMA report (August 2005)
The future of UK asset management: Competitive position and location choice
IMA research (May 2005)
Survey of the developments in the single market for asset management during 2003/04
Moving up a gear? (June 2004)
An assessment of the proposed changes to regulation of bundled brokerage and soft commission arrangements
Charles River Associates (October 2003)
Heinemann Research on obstacles to a single market in asset management
Heinemann Report (May 2003)
IMA position paper (May 2003)
Executive Summary (May 2003)
Performance persistence in UK equity funds
An empirical analysis (October 2002)
Performance persistency in UK equity funds
A literature review (January 2002)