The Public Register is the world’s first register tracking shareholder dissent at listed companies. The Register details companies in the UK FTSE All Share that have received significant opposition by shareholders to a resolution (written statements by a company’s board of directors detailing a binding corporate action), or any resolution withdrawn before a shareholder vote. 

In doing so, it helps to identify which companies are acknowledging shareholder dissent and how they are addressing their shareholders’ concerns.

We included the idea of setting up a Public Register of shareholder votes in our response to the Government’s Green Paper on Corporate Governance Reform in 2017. In its final response in August 2017, the Government asked the IA to develop and maintain the Register, which includes:

  • key details about the resolution (title, meeting date etc)
  • results of the shareholder vote (percentage of votes cast for and against, number of votes withheld, and percentage of the issued share capital voted)
  • a link to the AGM/GM results, including any statement made by the Board in response to the significant vote against at the time of the meeting – as required under provision E.2.2. of the UK Corporate Governance Code
  • a link to any further announcements by the company in response to the dissent, including shareholder views and what the company has done or plans to do.

The new UK Corporate Governance Code requires an update statement within six months of the shareholder meeting. To help companies, we’ve produced guidance setting out what investors would like to see from these update statements. You can find this guidance here.

You can find more details about the approach on the methodology page. For any further questions or to submit an update statement to the Public Register email [email protected]. For media enquiries email [email protected].


Remuneration policy
Company name Meeting date Meeting type (AGM/GM) Resolution number & title % Voted for % Voted against % Withheld % Issued share capital voted Statement in results Update statement
BERKELEY GROUP HOLDINGS PLC 06/09/2022 AGM Resolution 3: To approve the Directors' Remuneration Policy 60.26% 39.74% 13.27% 63.17% Yes
BODYCOTE PLC 25/05/2022 AGM Resolution 14: To approve the Directors' Remuneration Policy 76.59% 23.41% 6.95% Yes
COMPASS GROUP PLC 03/02/2022 AGM Resolution 2: To approve the Directors' Remuneration Policy 67.50% 32.50% 2.31% 80.81% Yes
CURRYS PLC (FORMLEY DIXONS CARPHONE PLC) 08/09/2022 AGM Resolution 3: To approve the Directors' Remuneration Policy 65.95% 34.05% 0.00% 84.37% Yes
EASYJET PLC 10/02/2022 AGM Resolution 2: To approve the Directors' Remuneration Policy 73.38% 26.62% 7.29% 33.54% Yes
GLAXOSMITHKLINE PLC 04/05/2022 AGM Resolution 3: To approve the Directors' Remuneration Policy 61.76% 38.24% 0.37% Yes
KIN AND CARTA PLC 01/12/2022 AGM Resolution 3: To approve the Directors' Remuneration Policy 73.1% 26.9% 0.31% Yes
LIONTRUST ASSET MANAGEMENT PLC 22/09/2022 AGM Resolution 3: To approve the Directors' Remuneration Policy 53.54% 46.46% 1.49% Yes
LIONTRUST ASSET MANAGEMENT PLC 16/02/2022 GM Resolution 1: To approve the Directors' Remuneration Policy 54.06% 45.94% 1.12% Yes
MOLTEN VENTURES PLC 03/08/2022 AGM Resolution 2: To approve the Directors’ Remuneration Report 79.43% 20.57% 9.86% Yes
OCADO GROUP PLC 04/05/2022 AGM Resolution 2: To approve the Directors' Remuneration Policy 70.73% 29.27% 0.00% Yes
RPS GROUP PLC 26/04/2022 AGM Resolution 3: To approve the Directors' Remuneration Policy 54.48% 45.52% 3.76% 78.23% Yes
RS GROUP PLC 14/07/2022 AGM Resolution 2: To approve the Directors' Remuneration Policy
60.77% 39.23% 6.22% Yes
RS GROUP PLC 14/07/2022 AGM Resolution 2: To approve the Directors' Remuneration Policy 60.77% 39.23% 6.22% Yes
SAGA PLC 05/07/2022 AGM Resolution 3: To approve the Directors' Remuneration Policy 79.74% 20.26% 0.11% Yes
STANDARD CHARTERED PLC 04/05/2022 AGM Resolution 4: To approve the Directors' Remuneration Policy 68.81% 31.19% 3.98% 78.62% Yes