
Diversity Data Guide


A common challenge seen across the industry surrounds data collection on diversity characteristics (known as protected characteristics). For employers to identify potential gaps which require targeted interventions in order to build a truly inclusive and diverse workforce, they need to understand the composition of their people and be able to measure progress. This means collecting, storing and analysing very personal data on individuals’ protected characteristics. This can be challenging from both a human and legal perspective, and may be even more so for organisations with offices in multiple locations around the world where different legal rules and cultural norms may prevail. Challenges around employee trust and buy-in are also common.

In response to this, the IA and PwC have produced, with support from the IA’s Diversity Data Working Group, a guide which takes members through the life-cycle of successfully collecting, storing, analysing and using data on the protected characteristics of their workforce to drive meaningful and sustainable change.

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