
The High-Level Forum report on a European Capital Markets Union – opportunities for the industry


Capital markets webinar

The High-Level Forum on Capital Markets (HLF) brought together highly experienced industry executives and top international experts to develop new ideas on the future of Europe’s long-promised Capital Markets Union. Their report published on 10 June delivered several recommendations for legislative reforms designed to assist with Europe’s economic recovery and its transition to a more sustainable, greener future. Ahead of the European Commission publishing its own CMU Action Plan later this year, join us for a discussion on:

  • The work of the HLF, the key recommendations made in its paper, and what trade-offs had to be made in reaching a consensus
  • How will the recommendations made in the paper likely affect the investment management industry, and the likely response by the Commission
  • The impact of the Brexit negotiations on Europe’s plans for a fully developed CMU, and the future relationship between the UK and the EU

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