
IA Webinar: FASTER – The EU’s new Directive on Withholding Tax Procedures


Join the Investment Association on Tuesday 05 September for an in-depth webinar on the EU Commission’s recently released Council Directive on Faster and Safer Relief of Excess Withholding Taxes (‘FASTER’).
Built off the Commission’s vision for a single market for capital across the whole of the EU, the Directive introduces three core components:

  1. A common EU digital tax residence certificate or (‘eTRC’) to make withholding tax relief procedures faster and more efficient. EU investors will need only one digital tax residence certificate which will be usable across the EU
  2. Two fast-track procedures complementing the existing standard refund procedure: a “relief at source” procedure and a “quick refund” system, which will potentially make the relief process faster and more harmonised across the EU. Member States will be able to choose which one to use – including a combination of both
  3. A standardised reporting obligation that will provide national tax administrations with the necessary tools to check eligibility for the reduced rate and to detect potential abuse. Certified financial intermediaries will have to report the payment of dividends or interest to the relevant tax administration so that the latter can trace the transaction.

With our sector still unpacking what these new proposals mean for treaty access across Europe, the webinar will walk members through each of the Directive’s components and how, if enacted, this is likely to transform relief procedures both for the better, and potentially for the worse, and what steps the industry needs to be take ahead of its potential introduction in 2027.  
Join this webinar to hear from the experts across the Product, Custodian and Advisor community and listen to their views on how the Directive is likely to unfold in the coming months and years and how it will affect investment funds both inside and out of the bloc. 

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