
The Investment Association publishes position paper on T+1 Settlement in the UK, EU and Switzerland

Alex Chow, Investment Operations Policy Lead at the Investment Association, commented: “With the transition to a T+1 settlement cycle in North America now complete, transitioning in the UK, EU, and Switzerland on a co-ordinated basis is a crucial next step – one that should ideally take place in Autumn 2026 but otherwise no later than Autumn 2027. 

“We welcome the statement from ESMA, The European Commission and the ECB outlining their commitment to transition to T+1 and the necessity to “accelerate every aspect of the technical work needed”. 

“European alignment on settlement cycles will bring these jurisdictions together in step with the US, enhancing market efficiency, reducing frictions across pan-European and global products and portfolios, and decreasing funding costs.  

“Driving greater global alignment on settlement cycles will foster a more robust financial ecosystem, increase investor confidence and improve the competitiveness of UK and European capital markets. We look forward to continuing our work with the UK’s Accelerated Settlement Taskforce on this project.” 

Read the full position paper here

For further information, please contact:

Helen Ayres, Head of Communications: [email protected]

T: +44 (0)20 7269 4620

Ellen Hodgetts, Communications Manager: [email protected]

T: +44 7548841289

Ismail Abdi, Communications Executive: [email protected]

T: +44 7596 872575

IA Press Office: [email protected]

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  • Our mission is to make investment better. Better for clients, so they achieve their financial goals. Better for companies, so they get the capital they need to grow. And better for the economy, so everyone prospers.
  • Our purpose is to ensure investment managers are in the best possible position to:
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  • The money our members manage is in a wide variety of investment vehicles including authorised investment funds, pension funds and stocks and shares ISAs.
  • The UK is the second largest investment management centre in the world, after the US and manages 37% of all assets managed in Europe.