Welcome to the IA’s FundAnalyser. 

You can use our interactive tool FundAnalyser to download and analyse data as well as create charts on UK-authorised funds. FundAnalyser gives you access to 3 years’ worth of monthly data on:  

•    UK investor funds under management in UK and overseas domiciled funds
•    UK investor gross and net sales 

You can filter the data by:
•    Asset class – equities, fixed income, mixed asset, money markets, property, and other categories
•    Equity region – Global, UK, North America, Europe, Japan, and Asia Pacific
•    IA sector
•    Retail and institutional distribution channels

You can also look at FUM and gross retail and net retail sales by different types of funds:
•    Fund of funds
•    Industry
•    Responsible Investment funds
•    Tracker Funds Equity
FundAnalyser is free to use for Members and non-members.