Image of Emma Sears

New industry Mental Health Hub to support wellbeing

Mental health is an integral pillar of our wellbeing. Good mental health is, as the World Health Organisation puts it, fundamental to our collective and individual ability as humans to think, emote, interact with each other, earn a living and enjoy life. It is vital therefore that we are all looking after our own mental health, and supporting others to do the same.

This is a priority for IA members, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic which has brought mental health into sharp focus for many. It also continues to be a key area in which the IA seeks to support the industry, as seen through our wellbeing webinar series on topics such as how to create a mental health strategy, and the specific focus we placed on personal resilience at our 2020 Culture Forum.

In order to continue to build on this, and to coincide with Mental Health Awareness Week, we launched our new IA Mental Health Hub last week. There are vast amounts of existing expert resources and support on mental health and our Hub brings these together in one place, sign-posting members to resources, tips and advice, and external organisations who provide mental health and wellbeing support.

The Hub includes specific guides for employers on how to support their people in a work environment; how individuals can support their own mental health (both within a work context and more widely in life); and additional support for specific conditions and contexts (including for those experiencing domestic abuse, anxiety, bereavement, depression, loneliness, sleep problems, and stress). A number of additional methods for improving individual’s mental wellbeing are also flagged, such as where to find a therapist or counsellor, CBT and mindfulness resources, and the benefits of getting out in nature. We would like to thank the organisations from whom these resources have been gathered, including Mind, NHS Live Well, Mental Health Foundation, City Mental Health Alliance and Time to Change.

We very much hope that this will be a valuable tool for our members, supporting you in ensuring that the industry is a safe and healthy environment for our people. Please visit the Mental Health Hub to find out more.

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