Here you can find statistics for funds under management in a range of formats and by asset, going back up to 10 years.

Most recent data available: February 2024


£m Total Equity Fixed Income Money Market Mixed Asset Property Other ISA
2023 1,426,651 870,902 287,578 41,458 272,841 19,780 133,209 180,127
2022 1,370,241 812,846 267,548 52,102 255,326 21,626 128,063 169,188
2021 1,588,857 948,690 322,624 46,997 289,957 28,022 138,598 190,831
2020 1,435,723 827,231 307,719 49,255 274,417 27,046 119,385 172,990
2019 1,318,285 757,760 277,220 44,505 245,731 28,396 121,157 167,699
2018 1,154,494 656,087 250,591 21,710 210,724 31,449 120,008 149,372
2017 1,235,339 722,094 257,916 25,115 221,040 30,721 119,575 161,869
2016 1,062,452 633,614 215,456 19,850 198,399 28,603 83,382 154,791
2015 929,943 561,650 185,984 11,501 165,229 31,993 71,852 138,492
2014 892,533 527,336 195,903 10,660 157,352 24,062 65,117 136,519


  • Figures: All figures are in £ millions. Figures have therefore been rounded to the nearest £ million. Where a chart shows a value of £0 - this indicates a figure below £500,000.
  • Revisions: Each month small revisions to the figures may have been made since the previous release. This reflects additional information received.
  • Funds under management: From January 2007 Investment Association funds under management figures include additional institutional funds which were not previously included in the statistics.
  • ISA figures from January 2008: Figures are based on ISAs provided by fund companies and five platforms (Cofunds, Fidelity, Hargreaves Landsdown, Skandia and Transact). Figures for earlier years cover fewer platforms. The figures do not include ISAs provided by other platforms or where the ISA provider is an intermediary other than a platform. All figures include former PEPs.
  • Asset types: (Equity, Fixed Income etc) are defined in terms of the Investment Association sectors included. To see which sectors are allocated to each asset type, see the table 'Statistics by sector - Sector summary - asset type by sector'.
  • Industry funds under management includes money invested in the underlying funds in which funds of funds invest, but excludes money invested in funds of funds themselves (other than funds of overseas funds) to avoid double-counting.
  • ISA figures exclude a small number of funds held on fund platforms but not in an Investment Association sector. These figures are, however, included in the Investment Association monthly press release tables, unless otherwise footnoted
  • Prior to January 2012, data is presented on a UK Domiciled basis. For more information see here: